You can use Google to fast search our site using the above interface.
In addition, a more powerful search user interface box in our Homepage and all "Buy Pages" allows the buyer to quickly zone in on the supplier(s) of product(s) and services that he or she is interested in. The search can be restricted to "All Keywords", "Any Keyword" or "Exact Phrase" entered and records that sound like the keywords are returned as a result match. To further enrich the user experience, results are returned in paged sets of 10.
The following kinds of search can be performed:
Suppliers By Product: When this option is selected, all suppliers listed under products (Name or CAS registry number) that sound
like the specified keywords are returned as result matches. For example if you enter "Sulphuric Acid" (Without quotes)
all suppliers of products containing the words sulphuric and acid are returned.
Suppliers By Name: When this option is selected, all suppliers whose company name sound
like the specified keywords are returned as result matches.
Products By Name: When this option is selected, the hierarchy tree contexts for which the leaf nodes
(product name or CAS registry number) sound like the keywords entered are returned as a browsable record set.
Note that when searching for suppliers by product, suppliers by name or jobs, the location (country/state) can be specified to further narrow the search. Only countries where suppliers exist are displayed. This option is ignored when searching for products by name or categories by name.