Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based format for content distribution. ChemicalRegister.com offers RSS feeds to monitor new suppliers listed, top search engine referrals and internal chemical industry searches with links back to ChemicalRegister.com for more details.
Apart from the above basic feeds, more than 20,000 unique supplier list feeds are available for specific categories and products. Look in the right bottom corner of the individual category/suppliers and product/suppliers pages for accessing these feeds. With these individual feeds, you can easily keep a daily watch on new suppliers added to a specific category/product in our directory, without even visiting our portal!
We encourage you to use these feeds, so long as you do not post our full supplier profiles, and so long as you provide proper attribution to ChemicalRegister.com. ChemicalRegister.com reserves the right to require you to cease distributing our content at any time for any reason.
For more details on RSS, start with the RSS 2.0 specification. ChemicalRegister.com is currently using the RSS 2.0 format.