Address: No. 338, Jingang Avenue, ZhangJiaGang City, Jiangsu Province 215600, China
https://www.healthchems.com |
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Phone: +86-(512)-58277800
Suzhou Health Chemicals Co., Ltd. is A Fine Chemicals Company, specializing in research, development, manufacture and distribute raw materials for pharmaceutical, healthcare, biochemical and specialit
37905-03-6 |
183476-82-6 |
Address: Room C1301, New Youth Plaza, NO.8 Jia Shan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310014, China
www.sagechem.com |
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Phone: +86-(571)-86818502
SAGECHEM is a chemical R&D, manufacturing and distribution company since 2009, including pharmaceutical intermediates, agrochemical, dyestuff intermediates, organosilicone, API and etc. We also
Address: Galleria Financial Center, 5075 Westheimer Road, Suite 675, Houston, Texas 77056, USA
www.uspetrochemical.com |
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Phone: +1-(713)-871-1951
US Petrochemical Industries, Inc. offers chemicals & petrochemicals, petroleum, plastics and sulfur. Our aromatics include benzene, toluene, orthoxylene, paraxylene, mixed xylene and styrene. We cater
Address: 4500 W. Shannon Lakes Drive, Suite 1, Tallahassee, Florida 32309, USA
www.rcuchemical.com |
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Phone: +1-(850)-387-4223
RCU Chemical, LLC is a distributor of chemicals. Our products include acids, acrylates, alcohols, aliphatic solvents, amines, aromatic solvents, chlorinated solvents, esters and glycols. Our ketones i
Address: 320 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10022, USA
www.trammo.com |
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Phone: +1-(212)-223-3200
Transammonia, Inc. is a merchandising and trading company that markets fertilizer materials, liquefied petroleum gas, petrochemicals, methanol, crude oil and oil products. We offer benzene, toluene, x
Address: 1960 Bucktail Lane, Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554, USA
www.producerschemical.com |
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Phone: +1-(630)-466 4584
Producers Chemical Company is a distributor of liquid and dry industrial chemicals. Our products include alcohols, alphatic solvents, amines, aromatic solvents, chlorinated solvents, glycols, ester so
Address: P.O. Box 34325, Seattle, Washington 98124-1325, USA
www.univarusa.com |
Phone: +1-(425)-889-3400
Univar USA manufactures and distributes chemical products. We offer acetic acid, trichloroethane, diallyl phthalate, lead oxide, salicylic acid, diethylamine, magnesium chloride, sebacic acid, silica
Address: 740 Bradfield Rd., Houston, Texas 77060, USA
https://www.rbproductsinc.com/ |
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Phone: +1-(281)-992-3500
RB Products, Inc. is a manufacturer of petrochemicals, specialty chemicals and oil-related products. We manufacture a variety of specialty chemicals including aromatic solvents, polyisobutylene, synth
Address: 100, Campus Drive, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932, USA
www.basf.com |
Phone: +1-(973)-245-6000
BASF Corporation manufactures chemicals, polymers, automotive & industrial coatings, as well as colorants & agricultural products. We are an ISO 9000 & QS-9000 certified company. We offer energy & per
Address: 5200 Speaker Road, Kansas City, Kansas 66106, USA
www.harcroschem.com |
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Phone: +1-(913)-321-3131?
Harcros Organics produces a broad line of organic specialty chemicals including surfactants, emulsifiers, phosphate esters and antifoams. We also distribute specialty performance chemicals. We offer a
Address: 261 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016, USA
www.CrowleyChemical.com |
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Phone: +1-(212)-682 1200
Crowley Tar Products Co, Inc is a supplier of petrochemicals and coal tar chemicals. We produce plasticizers, extenders and modifiers for PVC, polyurethanes, polyesters, epoxies and elastomers. Our po
Address: P.O. Box 2256, Wichita, Kansas 67201, USA
www.kochind.com |
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Koch Industries Inc. offers petroleum, chemicals, energy, fibers and polymers, minerals, fertilizers, and chemical technology equipments. We provide gypsum, anthracite, metallurgical coke, petroleum c
Address: C-1723 , Indira Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226016, India
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Phone: +91-(522)-4024303
Prabhav Enterprises specializes in manufacturing natural essential oil, bulk pharmaceutical chemicals, aromatic oils and solvents. We offer bulk pharmaceutical chemicals that are manufactured using cu
Address: 408, 4th Floor, Shitiratna Building., Opposite White House, Panchwati Cross Road, Elis Bridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380 006, India
www.arhampetrochem.com |
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Phone: +91-(79)-26449464/ 26466280
Arham Petrochem Private Limited is specialized in offering heavy aromatic solvent 100, 150, and 150 plus, mix aromatic solvents 160-240, and 180-270, and fuels. Aromatic solvent 100 has a flash point
Address: no.109, lingappa chetty street, coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641001, India
chopraschem.com |
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Phone: +91-(422)-4368447
Chopras Chem is an importer of hydrogen peroxide, gum rosin, I.P.A, rubber process oil, pentaerythritol, M.I.B.K, glycerin, phathillic anhydride, malleic anhydride & solvent C-9.
Address: Wusheng Economic Development Area, Dongming, Shandong 274500, China
en.yuhuanghuagong.com |
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Phone: +86-(530)-7601666
Shandong Yuhuang Chemical Co., Ltd. develops solvent naphtha, liquid wax, dicyclopentadiene, isoprene, 1, 3 pentadiene, refined C5, liquefied gas, propylene & MTBE. Our products are used in vegetable
Address: No.166, Mindong road, Pudong, Shanghai, China
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Phone: +86-(21)-31252569
ShangHai ZuoZhan Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of API and pharmaceutical products.
Address: Grangefield Industrial Estate, Richardshaw Road, Pudsey, West Yorkshire, England LS28 6QW, United Kingdom
www.viclabs.co.uk |
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Phone: +44-(113)-236 2811
Vickers Laboratories Limited is a manufacturer of various chemical products. We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. Our range covers all general purpose laboratory reagents, from acetaldehyde to z
Address: Bank Terrace, Gomshall Lane, Shere, Guildford, Surrey GU5 9HB, United Kingdom
www.solventis.net |
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Phone: +44-(1483)-203224
Solventis Ltd. is a distributor of petrochemical solvents. 2-Ethyl acrylate is an acrylate monomer. It is a clear liquid which is not soluble in water, but completely soluble in alcohol & ether. It is
Address: P.O. Box 10088, Jubail Industrial City 31961, Saudi Arabia
www.sasref.com.sa |
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Phone: +966-(3)-3572000
Saudi Aramco Shell Refinery Co. deals with refineries. We focus on hydrocracker, visbreaker and thermal gas. Our product line includes benzene, sulphur, gas oil and fuel. We are accredited with ISO 90
Address: 1-20, Akasaka 6-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8655, Japan
www.sojitz.com |
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Phone: +81-(3)-55205000
Sojitz Corporation deals with energy and mineral resources, chemicals & plastics. We provide plastic resins, film sheet, liquid crystal displays and electronic materials. Our organic & inorganic chemi
Address: Kuthethoor P.O., Via Katipalla, Mangalore, Karnataka 575 030, India
mrpl.co.in |
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Phone: +91-(824)-2270400
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001 certified company. We refine and produce liquid petroleum gas, naphtha, aviation turbine fuel, diesel fuel, vacuum gas oil, b
Address: , Tamil Nadu, India
www.cpcl.co.in |
Phone: +91-(44)-25944000, 25941100
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. offers fuels, lubricants and additives.
Address: Post Bag 2, Ambalamugal, Kochi, Kerala 682 302, India
www.bharatpetroleum.com |
Phone: +91-(484)-2722061
Kochi Refineries Ltd. produces a wide range of petroleum products. We offer LPG, petrol, diesel, kerosene, naptha, toluene, LSHS and specialty solvents. We deal with benzene for manufacturing caprolac
Address: Porwal House, C-100, Sector -2, Devendra Nagar, Raipur, Chattisgarh 492009, India
www.porwals.co.in |
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Phone: +91-(771)-2583922, 2583687
Porwal Tar Products (P) Ltd. offers coal tar enamel, synthetic primer, coal tar primer, coal tar pitch, coal tar tape, sealing compound, napthalene tar acid and cresylic acid.
Address: Maker Towers E & F,12th Floor, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400005, India
www.bharatpetroleum.com |
Phone: +91-(22)-22189172
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited offers liquefied petroleum gas, automotive LPG, food grade hexane, benzene and toluene. We also provide naphtha, light diesel oil, fuel oil, bitumen, sulphur as we
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