Address: No.218, Yuxiang Street, Luancheng County, Hebei, China
www.syfert.net |
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Phone: +86-(311)-88212698
Hebei SanyuanJiuqi Fertilizer Co., Ltd. specializes in providing NPK compound fertilizers, water soluble fertilizers, and granular ammonium sulfate. We are an ISO 9001 certified company. Urea fertiliz
Address: Osiek 174a, Olkusz 32-300, Poland
www.intermag.pl |
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Phone: +48-(32)-64 55 900, 64 27 181
Intermag specializes in inorganic chemicals. We deal with foliar fertilizer, seed fertilizer, alkaline fertilizers and slow-release fertilizers. We offer agrivit-c, cropvit-o, phoscalvit, microvit-1 a