Address: No. 338, Jingang Avenue, ZhangJiaGang City, Jiangsu Province 215600, China
https://www.healthchems.com |
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Phone: +86-(512)-58277800
Suzhou Health Chemicals Co., Ltd. is A Fine Chemicals Company, specializing in research, development, manufacture and distribute raw materials for pharmaceutical, healthcare, biochemical and specialit
37905-03-6 |
183476-82-6 |
Address: 8-12 Sheraton Global Financical Center B, Nanan District, Chongqing City, China
www.rosewachem.com |
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Phone: +86-18983840262
Rosewachem, the branch company of Rosewa (HK) Holding Group Co., Ltd. and we are specialty in working different science and technology fields. Rosewachem is one of our professional team, leading the w
Address: 135 Catron Dr., Reno, Nevada 89512, USA
www.advancedspecialtygases.com |
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Phone: +1-(775)-356 5500
Advanced Specialty Gases is specialized in the packaging and distribution of specialty gases including pure gas, sulfur hexafluoride, halocarbon refrigerant gases and specialty gas mixtures. Our produ
Address: 7201 Hamilton Blvd, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18195, USA
www.airproducts.com |
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Phone: +1-(610)-481-4911
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. is specialized in semiconductor materials, refinery hydrogen, home healthcare services, natural gas liquefaction, advanced coatings and adhesives. We are accredited with
Address: 2700 Post Oak Blvd., Houston, Texas 77056, USA
www.us.airliquide.com |
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Phone: +1-(713)-624-8000
American Air Liquide is the U.S. subsidiary of Air Liquide, world leader in gases for industry, health and the environment, and is present in over 75 countries. Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and rare gas
Address: 501 Orchard Road #10-01 Wheelock Place 238880, Singapore
www.linde.com.sg |
Phone: +65-6866 3100
The BOC Group focuses on chemicals, pharmaceutical and steel industries. We produce nitrogen, noble gas and hydrogen.