Address: 333 Ludlow Street, Stamford, Connecticut 06902, USA
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Phone: +1-(203)-541-9200
Pechiney World Trade (USA) Inc. offers chromium sulphate, ammonium metatungstate, ammonium metavanadate, ammonium sulphate, chromic chloride and chromium nitrate.
Address: 2841, Old Steele Creck Rd, Charllote, North Carolina 28208, USA
www.barkerind.com |
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Phone: +1-(704)-391-1023
Barker Industries Inc. manufactures chemicals for the pharmaceutical, electronic, aerospace and research & development industries. We are accredited with an ISO 9001 certification. We produce a wide v
Address: One Woodlawn Green, Suite 250, 200 East Woodlawn Road, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217, USA
www.mrdc.com |
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Phone: +1-(704)-525 2771
Mineral Research & Development is specialized in the manufacture of inorganic and metallic salts. Our texas facility is ISO 9002 certified. Our main product areas include general industrial products,