Address: E - 81 Indraprashtha Indl. Area, Kota, Rajasthan 324005, India
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Phone: +91-(744)-2424397
Shrihari Laboratories (P) Ltd. manufactures and exports metallic stearates, metallic oxides and PVC stabilizers & lubricants. Our products include calcium stearate, zinc stearate, aluminium stearate,
Address: Fehrbelliner Platz 1, Dülmen D-48249, Germany
www.cedachem.de |
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Phone: +49-(2594)-78 31 40 - 0
CEDA Chemicals GmbH is involved in the distribution of specialty chemical products. Our products include aluminum chloride, ammonium dimolybdate, aluminum distearate, aluminum oxide, benzyl chloride,
Address: Kokkolastrasse 2, Ratingen, NRW D-40882, Germany
www.connectchemicals.com |
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Phone: +49-(2102)-2077-0
Connect Chemicals is a producer and distributor of specialty chemicals. The products we offer range from water treatment chemicals, biocides phosphor compounds to specialties for the paper coating and
Address: 320 Room,zhongshan north Road, Shanghai 201300, China
www.tongyachem.com |
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Phone: +86-(21)-6214-0797
Shanghai Tongya Chemical Technology Development Co., Ltd. produces chemical reagent, light magnesium oxide, anhydrous magnesium sulfate, strontium carbonate, manganese carbide, ammonium chloride, magn
Address: No.5,Qiaotai Street,Qiao Xin Xi Yi Road,Qiaotou Town, Dongguan, Guangdong 515600, China
www.gdchnv.com |
Phone: +86-(769)-86935888
Dongguan CHNV Technology Co., LTD. specializes in petrochemicals, plastics, rubbers, paints, and paper making, and few patent products. We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified company.
Address: Room 3105,Wenan Center, Wenjin Plaza,Wenjin N .Road,Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518020, China
www.bestwayfood.com |
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Phone: +86-(755)-25633162
Bestway Food Chemical Co., Ltd. specializes in food additives.
Address: No.12-1 Dongshan Road, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000, China
www.dfpharm.com |
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Phone: +86-(313)-5901621
Zhangjiakou Dongfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is specialized in manufacturing & distributing medicine products.
Address: hengzhou city two seven district Jingguang road, Henan, China
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Phone: +86-(371)-53721548
Zhenzhou Ren cheng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. is a supplier of food additives, pharmaceutical intermediates, and chemical raw materials.
Address: Plot 9C of Wuhan Economci & Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei 430056, China
www.aaa-amino.com |
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Phone: +86-(27)-8447 2566
Wuhan Amino Acid Bio-Chemical Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of plastic, oily coating, and water borne coating additives.
Address: Longxutang Industrial Zone, Shaoyang, Hunan, China
www.ttpvc.com |
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Phone: +86-(739)-5279988
Hunan Shaoyang Tiantang Additives Chemical Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of plastic stabilizers. Our products include zinc stearate, calcium stearate, barium stearate, magnesium stearate, l
Address: Xueyan Town, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213169, China
www.taihu-inc.com |
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Phone: +86-(519)-86161098
Jiangsu Taihu New Materials Holding Co., Ltd. is specialized in alcohol amine series, propane amine series, oil refining series, satiric acid salt series, and chemical additive series.
Address: No.1-28, Tongguan South Road, Lianyungang, Jiangsu 222000, China
www.yuantai-trade.com |
Phone: +86-(518)-
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd. is a provider of organic & inorganic chemicals. We have many kinds of products. Some of our products include 8-hydroxyquinoline, albendazole, amoxycil
Address: RM106 Taihua Building B Area, Dalian, Liaoning 116600, China
www.sinoright.net |
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Phone: +86-(411)-39210844
Sinoright International Trade Co., Ltd. specializes in fine chemicals, inorganic, and pharmaceutical products. We provide ascorbic acid, sodium saccharin, citric acid monohydrate, sodium acid pyrophos
Address: Keji Road 70, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
xasdkj.com |
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Phone: +86-(29)-62886888
Xianshengdi Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a provider of raw plants extracts. We specialize in offering a wide variety of products that consists of licorice flavonoids, tylosin tartrate, ribavirin, amoxic
Address: 428#, South end, Daixi No.3 Road, Zouping County, Shandong 256200, China
www.mingxingchem.cn |
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Phone: +86-(543)-2240067 |
QQ: 575713030
Zouping Ming Xing Chemical Co., Ltd. is a producer of amine products. We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. Our product line includes pharmaceutical intermediates, pesticide intermediates, protec
Address: 35, Siliu North Road, Licang District, Qingdao, Shandong 266043, China
www.redstarchem-zili.com |
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Phone: +86-(532)-84913091
Qingdao Redstarchemical Group Zili Industrial Corporation is a producer of barium and strontium salts. We mainly produce barium hydroxide octahydrate and barium chloride. Our other products are barium
Address: No.8, Jiyang Road, Qingdao, Shandong 266011, China
www.redstarchem.com |
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Phone: +86-(532)-82850016
Qingdao Red Star Chemical Group Co., Ltd. is a supplier of barium, strontium, and manganese inorganic salts. Our products are used in plastic stabilizer, paint coating, fine inorganic chemicals, natur
Address: 2, Limen Road, Qingdao, Shandong 266600, China
www.fraken.cn |
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Phone: +86-532-83899718
Fraken Biochem Co., Ltd. specializes in providing D-ribose, D-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, nicotinic acid, linoleic acid, D-glucosamine hydrochloride, methyl sulfone, ursolic acid, piperine and ursodeoxy
Address: No. 69 Dongfang Road Eton Place, Tower A, Room 2006, Shanghai 200120, China
www.mckinn.com.sg |
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Phone: +86-(021)-63261390
McKINN International is a provider of specialty chemicals for chemical industries.
Address: ROOM 810, No.1403, Minsheng Road, Pudong, Shanghai 200135, China
www.shiqian.com |
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Phone: +86-(021)-33927645
Shanghai Shiqian International Trade Limited is specialized in oil chemicals, daily materials, plastic auxiliary agents, and coating materials. Our products include stearic acid, fatty acid, and stear
Address: 5A & 5E, 5th Floor, Modern Communication Building, Golden Bridge E. P. Z., No. 201, New Jinqiao Road, pudong, Shanghai 201206, China
www.biotio.com |
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Phone: +86-(21)-50323260
Shanghai Biotio Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of inorganic powder, biocide & its intermediates, metallic pigment, and stearate salt. Our major inorganic pigments include titanium dioxide & lithopone, an
Address: Unit 602, No.14,Ziwei Rd, Zhangjiang High-tech Park, pudong, Shanghai, China
www.chemhere.com |
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Phone: +86-(21)-26607989
Shanghai Chemhere Co., Ltd. deals with lab reagent, fine chemicals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. We develop catalysts and key reagents for laboratories. Our chemicals are used in research ins
Address: Tomson Centre B-Tung-1203, No.188.Zhangyang Road, Pudong New Distrct, Shanghai, China
www.pautai.com |
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Phone: +86-(21)-68882701
Pau Tai International (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of PVC industrial needs. Our products include stabilizers, organotin stabilizers, plasticizers, lubricants, activators, processing aids, an
Address: Shanghai Caohejing Hi-Teck Park, Building No.67, Unit 1225, No.421, Hong-Cao Rd, Xuhui, Shanghai 200233, China
www.tdschem.com |
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Phone: +86-(21)-64955601
TDS Chemical Corp., Limited is a manufacturer and supplier of fuel additives. We expertise in developing antiknock additives, antiknock-819 and antiknock-831. We are accredited with ISO 9002 certifica
Address: Taoyuan, Qiandaohu town, Chunan County, Zhejiang 311700, China
www.qdhyzhg.com |
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Phone: +86-(571)-64883383
Chunan Qiandaohu Grease Chemical Factory is a manufacturer of stearates. Our products include sodium stearate, sodium fatty acid, zinc stearate, magnesium stearate, calcium stearate, and Ca/Zn composi
Address: Wensan Road, 553, The Small and Medium-sized enterprises in Zhejiang Province building, Room 2118, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310012, China
www.showlandtech.com |
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Phone: +86-(571)-88920516
Hangzhou Showland Technology Co., Ltd. is specialized in pigments, rubber accelerators, anti-oxidants, heat stabilizer, and pharmaceutical materials. We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified company.
Address: 19/C, TIANYUAN BUILDING, NO.508 WENSAN ROAD, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310006, China
www.starshinepharm.com |
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Phone: +86-(571)-89936035, 88853602
Hangzhou Starshine Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. specialzies in supplying various pharmaceuticals and intermediates. We also offer food additives such as creatine monohydrate, beta carotene, calcium glucon
Address: No.8, Xiuxi Middle Road, Linghu Town, Huzhou, Zhejiang 313018, China
www.xwchemical.com |
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Phone: +86-(572)-3943638
Huzhou City Linghu Xinwang Chemical Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of pharmaceutical intermediates and food additives. Our main products are sucralose, microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid and steara
Address: 1 Jiefang Rd., Linghu Town, Huzhou, Zhejiang 313018, China
www.zhanwangpharma.com |
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Phone: +86-(572)-3942338
Huzhou Zhanwang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. specializes in the supply of sodium hyaluronate gel, botulinum toxin, and hyaluronic acid raw materials.
Address: Gao Yu Town, AnJi County, Huzhou, Zhejiang, China
www.chinabentonite.com |
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Phone: +86-(572)-5107777
Anji Yuhong Clay Chemical Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of bentonite. We mainly manage two series of products namely bentonite and zinc stearate. We have passed ISO 9001 quality certification system. We