Address: No. 338, Jingang Avenue, ZhangJiaGang City, Jiangsu Province 215600, China
https://www.healthchems.com |
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Phone: +86-(512)-58277800
Suzhou Health Chemicals Co., Ltd. is A Fine Chemicals Company, specializing in research, development, manufacture and distribute raw materials for pharmaceutical, healthcare, biochemical and specialit
37905-03-6 |
183476-82-6 |
Address: No. 420, Lane 3088, Rd Wenxiang, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201620, China
www.melabo.com |
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Phone: +86-(021)-67663160
Shanghai Meilaipo Chemicals Co., Ltd. specializes in the manufacture of fine chemicals, engineering plastics, and compound materials.
Address: Huangshan Road,1463#, Hefei, Anhui 230088, China
www.jinghuichem.com |
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Phone: +86-(551)-5324038/5324068
Hefei Finecollection Institute of Chemical Industry offers sodium, ammonium and hexammonium molybate. Anhydrous lithium bromide is steam absorption, and air moisture adjuster. It can be used as an act