Address: B Area. 10 Floor.Yaodadasha. 289#.Shifu Road.Taizhou., Hubei, Zhejiang 318000, China
www.xcchem.com.cn |
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Phone: +86-(576)-88880039
Xingcheng Chempharm Co., Ltd. is specialized in the manufacture of APIs and pharmaceutical intermediates. We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. Our products include anti-neoplastics, prostaglandi
Address: Building 7, 5th floor, Keji Ave 8-2, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 311121, China
www.chemyuhao.com |
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Phone: +86-(571)-82693216
Hangzhou Yuhao Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. distributes boric acid compounds, fluorine-containing compounds, photoelectric compounds, APIs, and intermediates.
Address: Building 3, No.1666, Xinyang Highway, Lin-gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zo, Shanghai, Shanghai 201413, China
www.BioChemBest.com |
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Phone: +86-(21)-20908456 |
QQ: 2885123256
ChemBest is a contract research company focused on the discovery of new moleculars. ChemBest provides a wide range of high quality research chemicals and biochemicals including novel life-science reag
Address: Hi-Tech Park, Jinshan, Shanghai 201506, China
www.apischemical.com |
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Phone: +86-(021)-54930000
Shanghai APIs Chemical Co., Ltd. is specializes in manufacturer of API chemicals to various chemical induistries.
Address: Xinzhu Rd., Zhenjiang New Area International Chemical Park, Zhenjiang 212000, China
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Phone: +86-(511)-8336-5988
Zhenjiang Dera Medical Co., Ltd. specializes in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediates. We are an ISO 9001 certified company. Our pharmaceutical intermediates include malo
Address: 7171 Frederick-Banting, Montreal, Quebec H4P 2R2, Canada
www.aptochem.com |
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Phone: +1-(514)-496-4252
Synthese AptoChem Inc. specializes in the custom synthesis of stable labeled and radiolabeled reference standards, test articles, pharmaceuticals & their metabolites. We synthesize a wide variety of s
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