
Jiangxi Fuda Perfume Chemical Co., Ltd.

Contact: Mr. Wu
Address: 113# Wenshan Avenue, Chengnan Industrial Park, Jishui County, Jiean, Jiangxi 331600, China
Phone: +86-(796)-3516116 | Fax: +86-(796)-3511556 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Jiangxi Fuda Perfume Chemical Co., Ltd. specializes in offering rosin, rosin modified synthetic resin, rosin modified phenolic resin and maleic acid resin. Our products are used in glue, paint, ink, adhesive agent, sizing agent, surface active agent and in chemical industry. Rosin maleic acid resin appears as light-yellow solid with a performance of transparency and anti-lightness. Rosin can be used in such adhesives as matroacid, wood lacquer, metal paint, second primer, hammer finish, road paint, sizing agent, printing ink and paper gloss. Rosin glycerin ester resin is used in producing clear paint, nitro-lacquer, and can improve its adhering force & glossiness. It is also extensively used in ink and adhesive agents.

2 Products/Chemicals (Click for related suppliers)  
• Adhesive Resins
• Rosin (CAS: 85026-55-7)

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