Address: 208 Sujata Chambers , 1/3 Abhaychand Gandhi Marg, Masjid Bunder (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 009, India
www.scientificoem.com |
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Phone: +91-(22)-2343 7546, 6631 5122
Scientific OEM provides private labeling and OEM services for fine & specialty chemicals and laboratory & analytical instruments. Our product line includes laboratory chemicals, rare earth oxides, hig
Address: No. 4, Premsons Industrial Estate, Caves Road, Opposite Jain Mandir, Jogeshwari East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400060, India
www.abelinpolymers.in |
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Phone: +91-(22)-28378321
Abelin Polymers is a manufacturer of industrial chemicals such as phenol formaldehyde resins. We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. Phenol formaldehyde resin is specially formulated for ablative
Address: New No.22, Old No.57, 1st Floor, Ormes Road, Kilpauk, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 010, India
www.vandanachemicals.com |
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Phone: +91-(44)-26426951, 26413847
Vandana Chemicals is a supplier of industrial and specialty chemicals. We cater to the needs of a variety of industrial establishments both in the manufacturing and service sectors. We procure and sup
Address: No. 1403 Minsheng Road, Room 1705, Pudong, Shanghai 200135, China
www.refoundchem.com |
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Phone: +86-(21)-33927850
Shanghai Re-found Chemical Co., Ltd. imports & exports chemicals & customized chemical products. Our product line includes dyestuffs & dyestuff intermediates, pigments & pigment intermediates, flavors
Address: East of Xisun Bulding, Linshou Town, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050000, China
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Phone: +86-(311)-66682568,82521209
Hebei Yuhang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of formaldehyde, paraformaldehyde and hexamine (urotropine).
Address: No.39, Xinghua West Road, Zhucheng, Shandong 262200, China
www.lfhx.com |
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Phone: +86-(536)-6213525
Zhucheng Liangfeng Chemical Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive private chemical enterprise. We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. We possesses the products of urea, compound fertilizer, methanol, iso-c
Address: A6-7, Huanghe Lvyuan Residential Quarter, 99th Huanghe Rd., Nangang Dist., Harbin, Heilongjiang 150090, China
www.wfychina.com |
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Phone: +86-(451)-87915379
Suifenhe Wanfengyuan Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. specializes in the import & export of various chemical products. We export a wide range of chemicals, concrete admixtures, starch, and inorganic salts
Address: 8Fl., No. 22, Nanking West Road, Taipei, Taiwan
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Phone: +886-(2)-2555-6077
Goldmont Chemicals Corp. deals with inorganic chemicals, organic chemicals and bulk pharmaceuticals. We are accredited ISO 9002 certification.
Address: #21-02 International Plaza, Singapore
www.winworld.com.sg |
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Phone: +65-97291166
Winworld International Group Pte Ltd. is a supplier of aromatic hydrocarbon, ammonia chloride, dipentaerythritol, hexamine, melamine, N butanol, paraformaldehyde, pentaerythritol, parapentaerythritol
Address: P.O. Box 3139, Dammam 31471, Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966-(3)-358 9905
Saudi Formaldehyde Chemical Co. Ltd. produces formaldehyde and its derivatives. We offer paraformaldehyde, hexamine and formalin. Our product is used in the production of coating resin, ion exchange r
Address: Room No. 30, Mussa Market, 2nd Floor Opp Sindh Madresha, Shahrah-e-Liaquat, Karachi, Pakistan
www.asiatic.com.pk |
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Phone: +92-(21)-2422537
Asiatic Chemicals exports various chemicals, dye intermediates, and raw materials for pharmaceuticals. Our industrial chemicals are acetic acid, acrylamide, AC blowing agent, acetonitrile, acreylic ac
Address: Baronielaan 297 4835 JM Breda, Netherlands
www.ikab.nl |
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Phone: +31-(076)-5717174
IKAB Chemicals B.V. is a distributor of industrial chemicals to various industries.
Address: 207 Daeyon-dong, Nam-ku, Pusan, Korea, Republic Of
www.ujinchem.co.kr |
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Phone: +82-(51)-622-3171
U-Jin Chemical Co. Ltd. specializes in the development and manufacture of formaldehyde & its derivatives. We produce formalin, mono-pentaerythritol, di-pentaerythritol, tri-pentaerythritol, sodium for
Address: 14-1 Shiba 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014, Japan
www.m-kagaku.co.jp |
Phone: +81-(3)-6414 3730
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation is engaged in petrochemicals, performance & functional products and carbon. We produce purified terephthalic acid, tetrahydrofuran, maleic anhydride, engineering plasti
Address: 2-5 Kasumigaseki, 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
www.mitsuichem.com |
Phone: +81-(3)-35924106
Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals Inc. produces plastics, synthetic resins and industrial chemicals. We also offer adhesives, specialty chemicals, medicines, agricultural chemicals & dyestuffs.
Address: ChemateK S.p.A., Via Mantova, 2a, 20020 Lainate, Via Mantova, Italy
www.chematek.biz |
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Phone: +39-(002)-9374434
Chematek S.p.a specializes in fine chemicals to pharmaceutical, cosmetic, metal finishing, polymer, textile, photographic, food & dye intermediate industries.
Address: 13, Camac Street, Kolkata, West Bengal 700 017, India
www.alliedresins.com |
Phone: +91-(33)-2283 2865
Allied Resins & Chemicals Limited produces food adhesives. Our product includes formaldehyde-silver catalyst, paraformaldehyde, pentaerythritol, hexamine and sodium formate.
Address: 9/10, Kunj Society, Alkapuri, Vadodara, Gujarat 390 007, India
www.deepaknitrite.com |
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Phone: +91-(265)-2351013, 2334481
Deepak Nitrite Limited is an ISO 9001 certified company that manufactures basic and intermediate chemicals. Our product line comprises of guanidine nitrate, hydroxalmine sulphate, para cumidine & orth
Address: 1202, Tower B, Peninsula Business Park, G.K.Marg, Lower Parel(W), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013, India
www.aegisindia.com |
Phone: +91 22 6666 3666
Aegis Logistics Ltd. exports liquid oil, chemicals and petroleum products. We offer raw materials, tank storage & terminalling, transportation and on-site management of materials. We are accredited wi
Address: Leiblstrasse 3, Fussgoenheim D-67136, Germany
www.klausfmeyer.de |
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Phone: +49-(0)-62 37 - 20 23
Klaus F. Meyer GmbH deals with fine chemicals, chemical intermediates and general chemicals industries. We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. Our product line includes agro chemicals, amines, ant
Address: Ballindamm 1, Hamburg 20095, Germany
www.behnmeyer.com |
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Phone: +49 (0) 40 30299 0
Behn Meyer (D) Holding AG & Co. KG provides chemical, fertilizers, paper and crop protection products. We offer anti corrosive, dispersing agent, extenders, fillers, waxes and polymer products. Our pr
Address: 35 Sihai Road, Langfang Development Zone, Langfang, Hebei 065001, China
www.dm-ch.com |
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Phone: +86-(316)-6085568
Daming Chemical Co., Ltd. is a supplier of fine chemicals, and their intermediates. We hold a recognition of ISO 9001:2000 quality certification. Some of our products include paper making de-foamer, b
Address: No.1,East 2nd Xinxing Road,Rongcheng, JIEYANG, GUANGDONG 522000, China
www.gdrongtai.cn |
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Phone: +86-663-3286118
Guangdong Rongtai Industry Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of phthalic anhydride & other chemicals. We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified company.
Address: No. 3, Shanglongbei, Andingmenwai, BEIJING 100070, China
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Phone: +86-(10)-84134045
Beijing Sunny-Rich International Chemical is a supplier of raw materials. Our products include melamine, epoxy resin, titanium dioxide, penta erythritol, BPA, BDO, PTA, zinc oxide, ammonium chloride,
Address: No.19, East Road, North No.3 Ring Road, ChaoYang District, Beijing 100029, China
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Phone: +86-(010)-64429423
China Bluestar International Chemical Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturer of new materials, and petrochemical products.
Address: Erqi District, B22-6, Zhengzhou, Henan 451124, China
www.zzchaoan.com |
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Phone: +86-(135)-26657218
Zhengzhou Ultra An Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd. is a producer of chemical products (potassium carbonate, potassium hydroxide, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, ethylene glycol, butyl ether, silica
Address: No.1, Xinglong Road, Longxi Town, Yubei Dist, Chongqing 401147, China
www.trustlong.cn |
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Phone: +86-23-67905434
Chongqing Trust Long Co., Ltd. offers speciality chemicals, inorganic chemicals, bio chemicals, APIs, intermediates and amino acids. Inorganic chemicals include barium stearate, barium sulfate, calciu
Address: Shenglong International Square, Feburary 7th District, Zhengzhou, Henan 450000, China
www.shengwangchemical.com |
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Phone: +86-(371)-86626133
Guangzhou Sengwang Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of borax, and magnesium sulphate for mining, electroplating, adhesive, metal treatment, glass, and agriculture industries.
Address: YiNan Road03, QiaoDong District, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 500000, China
www.donghuitrade.com/ |
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Phone: +86159-0331-7655,86-311-8603-1919
Dongguan Tung Fai Trading Ltd. specializes in manufacturing paraffin wax, hexamethylene tetramine, sodium sulfide, sodium hydroxide, sulfur, dodecyl benzenesulphonic acid, copper pyrophosphate, bromox
Address: Shatian Mansion, No.587, Changshou Road, Shanghai 200060, China
www.haodengchem.com |
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Phone: +86-(21)-62323636
Shanghai Haodeng Organic Chemical Co., Ltd. is a provider of chemical materials. We stock a wide range of products. Some of them are listed as chloroepoxy propane, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxid