Address: 432 West Alondra Blvd., Gardena, California 90248, USA
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Phone: +1-(310)-329-7123
American Cosmetics Laboratories is a full service private label and contract manufacturer. We offer a large variety of cosmetic products. Our product line includes bath & body, skin care, hair care, s
Address: 294 Alpha Drive, RIDC Industrial Park, Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania 15238, USA
www.alphaaromatics.com |
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Phone: +1-(412)-252-1012
Alpha Aromatics is mainly involved in the business of manufacturing various types of fragrances, polymers, personal care products. We offer fragrance bases for aerosols & pump sprays, janitorial produ
Address: 4900 Beech Street, Norwood, Ohio 45212, USA
www.shepchem.com |
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Phone: +1-(513)-731-1110
The Shepherd Chem Co. makes a diverse line of specialty metal chemicals for multiple applications and industries including lubricants, battery materials, electronics, pigments, personal care, metal fi
Address: 8 Vreeland Road, P. O. Box 955, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932, USA
www.troycorp.com |
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Phone: +1-(973)-443 4200
Troy Corporation develops and manufactures performance materials for industry. We specialize in the prevention of microbial degradation in products and processes. We are certified under ISO 9001:2000.
Address: 11558 Rock Island Ct., St. Louis, Missouri 63043-3522, USA
www.chemiacorp.com |
Phone: 800-726-1976
Chemia Corporation delivers fragrance products. Our fragrances are used in in all types of products, including health & beauty aid products, air fresheners, aromatherapy products, institutional produc
Address: No. 3/4 Kashappa Lane, BVK Iyengar Road Cross, Bangalore, Karnataka 560 053, India
www.asmaaromatics.com |
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Phone: +91-(80)-2225 6649
Asma Aromatics produces & exports industrial perfumery compounds and fragrance compounds. We offer incense sticks, candle fragrances, soap fragrances, detergents, personal perfumes, perfumed candles,
Address: Delhi Road, Rithani, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 250103, India
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Phone: +91-(121)-4009172
Anand Soaps & Detergent manufactures natural beauty soaps and detergents. Our brands include Nancy Lemon, Swiss Hotel, Swiss, Nancy Madam and Rainy.
Address: Birahane Sokak No: 50 Bomonti, Sisli, Istanbul, Turkey
www.kali.com.tr |
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Phone: +90-(212)-2340645
Kali Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret A. S. is a producer of fragrance. Our products are used in cosmetic, perfume and cleansing sectors. We import raw materials to provide fragrance. Our product line includes
Address: 13 Mousikar Ali Ismail St., Dokki, Giza, Egypt
www.eva-cosmetics.com |
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Phone: +202-7487847
Eva Cosmetics provides skin and hair care products. Our product line includes deodorants, depilatories and specialized soap. We offer glycerin soaps and olive oil.