Address: 1-8-13, Hiranomachi, Chuo-Ku, Osaka City, Osaka 541-0046, Japan
www.kitamura-chem.co.jp |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +81-(06)-6202-8171
Kitamura Chemicals Co., Ltd. is an exporter of industrial chemicals, solvents, plasticizers, synthetic resins and other chemicals. We also sell & export pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and antiseptics.
Address: 14-1 Shiba 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014, Japan
www.m-kagaku.co.jp |
Phone: +81-(3)-6414 3730
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation is engaged in petrochemicals, performance & functional products and carbon. We produce purified terephthalic acid, tetrahydrofuran, maleic anhydride, engineering plasti