 Potassium Sodium Tartrate Suppliers > Eckart America Corporation

Eckart America Corporation

Contact: Amy Marshall - Head of Sales
Address: Güntersthal 4, Hartenstein, Bavaria 91235, Germany
Phone: +49 9152 77-0 | Fax: +49 9152 77-7008 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Eckart America Corporation - Click To Visit Our Website Eckart America Corporation is a manufacturer of metallic pigments for the paints, coatings, graphic arts, plastics, lightweight concrete and cosmetics industrues. Our product range encompasses all kinds of metallic effect pigments and press-ready metallic printing inks. We offer a wide variety of effect pigment products.

Aluminum Pigments
Silver metallic effects stand for high-tech, precision and technology. Glittering silver effects are achieved in the widest variety of different applications by the use of various forms of aluminum pigments. In addition to creating special effects, aluminum pigments also have a functional role, for example, they provide protection against both heat and corrosion. Our aluminum pigment flakes are produced on the basis of pure aluminum. Our aluminum powders can be produced directly in a dry milling process, or indirectly by drying aluminum pastes. The powders are customized for the widest range of applications by means of special coating methods or after-treatment.

Pearlescent Pigments
Our ranging from the soft sheen of a pearl to the shimmering iridescent play of colors in a butterflyâ_™s wings, Phoenix® pearlescent pigments provide a kaleidoscope of possibilities to create unique luster and eye-catching color effects. The secret of the fascinating pearlescent effect lies in a special pigment structure composed of mica platelets and consecutive semitransparent layers of metal oxides. In combination with reflected and diffracted light, the metal oxides and their various combinations produce an almost infinite range of visual effects.

Gold Bronze Pigments
We provide Lithoflex® metallic pigments for flexo, litho and letterpress applications. These pigments are available in both powder and paste form, in standard gold shades. Our Rotoflex® is the name of the new premium bronze pigments for use in gravure and flexo printing inks.

32 Products/Chemicals (Click for related suppliers)  
• Acrylic-Coated, Non-Leafing Aluminium Pigment
• Aluminium and Bronze Pigment Dispersions
• Aluminium Glitter Pigments
• Aluminium Pastes
• Aluminium Pigment Concentrates
• Aluminium Pigment Dispersions
• Aluminium Pigments
• Aluminum
IUPAC Name: aluminum | CAS Registry Number: 7429-90-5
Synonyms: Aluminium, ALUMINUM, Aluminum metal, Metana, Aluminium flake, Aluminum powder, Noral aluminium, Adom, Noral aluminum, Alumina fibre, Aluminum dust, Aluminium bronze, aluminio, Pigment metal 1, Aluminum alloy, Aluminum (metal), Alaun [German], Aluminum dehydrated, Aluminum production, Al alloy

Molecular Formula: AlMolecular Weight: 26.981538 [g/mol]
H-Bond Donor: 0H-Bond Acceptor: 0


• Anhydrous Caustic Soda
IUPAC Name: sodium;hydroxide | CAS Registry Number: 1310-73-2
Synonyms: SODIUM HYDROXIDE, Caustic soda, Sodium hydrate, Soda lye, White caustic, Sodium hydroxide (Na(OH)), Aetznatron, Ascarite, Sodium hydroxide solution, Soda, caustic, Natriumhydroxid, Rohrputz, Plung, Collo-Grillrein, Liquid-plumr, Caustic soda solution, Collo-Tapetta, Fuers Rohr, Rohrreiniger Rofix, NaOH

Molecular Formula: HNaOMolecular Weight: 39.997 [g/mol]
H-Bond Donor: 1H-Bond Acceptor: 1


• Colors, Mortar, Stucco and Concrete
• Concentrates
• Cosmetic Pigments
• Dispersions
• Gold Bronze Pigment Concentrates
• Gold Bronze Pigments
• Gold Bronze Powder
• Iron Flake Pigments
• Iron Pigments
• Leafing Pigments
• Metal Coatings
• Metal-Effect Coatings and Powders
• Metallic Inks
• Metallic Pigments
• Non-Leafing Pigments
• Pearlescent Pigment Concentrates
• Pearlescent Pigments
• Printing Inks
• Silica-Coated Non-Leafing Aluminium Pigments
• Special Purpose Paints
• Zinc
IUPAC Name: zinc | CAS Registry Number: 7440-66-6
Synonyms: ZINC, Merrillite, Rheinzink, Jasad, Granular zinc, Blue powder, Zinc powder, cinc, Zinc dust, Zinc, elemental, zincide, zincum, Emanay zinc dust, Zinc (metallic), zinc anion, Zink, Zinc preparation, Microheterogeneity, zinc(I) cation, Zinc and compounds

Molecular Formula: ZnMolecular Weight: 65.409000 [g/mol]
H-Bond Donor: 0H-Bond Acceptor: 0


• Zinc Pastes
• Zinc Pigments

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