Address: 451, Florida Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70801, USA
www.albemarle.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-535 3030
Albemarle Corporation is a leading global developer, manufacturer, and marketer of highly-engineered specialty chemicals for consumer electronics, petroleum refining, utilities, packaging, constructio
Address: Bank Of Little Rann Of Kutch Survey No: 1442, On Patadi-Kharagodha State Highway, Opp. Hanuma temple, Dist. Surendranagar, Gujarat 360 001, India
www.sangfroidchem.com |
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Phone: +91-(281)-2230692
Sang Froid Chemicals Pvt. Ltd specializes in providing liquid bromine and magnesium chloride. We are an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified company. Magnesium chloride is used for polishing abr
Address: 2, Tower Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JW, United Kingdom
www.hawks-chem.com |
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Phone: +44-(161)-3679441
Hawks Chemical Company is a distributor of fine chemicals and organic intermediates. Our products include bromines, phase transfer catalysts, lithium salts, chlorine & fluorine derivatives, biocides a
Address: Oleanderstraat 52, Almere, Flevoland 1338WP, Netherlands
www.chem4chem.com |
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Phone: +31-(36)-5371713
Chem4Chem is engaged in providing fluorinated organics with side chain as well as aromatic ring fluorine. We render non-brominated flame-retardants. We deal with oxidative technologies such as ozonoly
Address: L-25, Tarapur M.I.D.C., Tarapur Indl. Area, Boisar, Tarapur, Maharashtra 560029, India
www.purechagroup.com |
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Phone: +91-(2525)-273980/270223
Sonal Plasrub Industries Pvt. Ltd. specializes in fine chemicals, specialty chemicals and bromination compounds. Our products include acetyl bromide, allyl bromide, ammonium bromide, 4-amino1,2,4,tria
Address: First India Place, Tower-C, Mehrauli - Gurgaon Road, Gurgaon, Haryana 122002, India
www.solarischemtech.com |
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Phone: +91-(124)-2804242
Solaris ChemTech Limited is engaged in the production of bromine and bromine chemicals. We also manufacture caustic soda, chlorine, hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid. We are an ISO 9001 certified
Address: Units A&B, 15/F, Neich Tower, 128 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
www.shivachemicals-pharmaceuticals.com |
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Phone: +852-(21)-52285458
Shiva Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Services Ltd. is involved in the sale, manufacturing and export of products like Water Treatment Chemicals, Specialty/Fine Chemicals & APIs and Pharma/Steroids. Our p